Pupil Leaders

Head Boy/Girl
The Head boys and Head girls at both schools are elected from Year 6 (three boys, three girls elected
throughout the year – one boy, one girl every term), with the positions nominated by the staff at the
school through an application process.
The Head boys and Head girls at each school act as ambassadors for the school, showing visitors
around, monitoring other ‘Junior Leader’ tasks, speaking to the school in assemblies, and acting as a
‘floating’ team member in order to cover for Junior Leaders when absent. The allocated Head boys
and Head girls also attend school council meetings where councillors (pupils) from each year group
meet with a teacher and represent ideas for change or improvement from the pupils.
Head Girl
Head Boy

Shaylan Jayasuriya
Aditi Kamath
Junior Leaders
Children at Marish Academy Trust are provided with the opportunity to demonstrate their
leadership skills by being elected as a Junior Leader. This is done via a recruitment and interview
process each year, giving the role prestige and credibility. Once elected, the Junior Leaders wear the
uniform of the other school (contrasting colours) with pride – so they are easily identifiable.
Those that hold this sought after role, take responsibility for various duties such as: maintaining
dining hall safety; assembly preparation; presence at Parents Evenings & Awards Evenings; office
administration tasks; support with REN at both schools and organisation of lunchtime games on the
playground in both schools.

Junior Leaders
