After School Clubs
Here at Marish Primary School, we offer a wide range of extra curricular clubs for our students. Keep reading to find out more…

Children’s University at Marish Academy Trust
Marish Academy Trust runs a variety of after school clubs on a termly basis. Each club term runs for 10 weeks and unless specified otherwise clubs are £5 each, this includes all 10 sessions.
It’s easy to sign up for clubs, just wait until you receive the terms club menu which is sent in the first couple of weeks of each term. Follow the booking instructions and then pay using your Parent Pay account.
Click here to view our current clubs and get up to date booking information
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What is children's university?
Children’s University has a long history of over 26 years working to improve Social Mobility, Character and Wellbeing in Children. We know that Children benefit so much from being in school and that’s why we run a wide and varied range of after school clubs to create a level playing field for all children to build character, to thrive and flourish and to enjoy learning both in and beyond the four walls of a classroom. National research shows that extra-curricular activities contribute to the development of life skills.