Homework Quick Links

Strengthen Reading Practice with Best Practices. Computerized reading assessment that uses computer-adaptive technology. Questions continually adjust to your child’s responses. If the child’s response is correct, the difficulty level is increased.

Complete programmes for English, maths and science, plus ebooks for guided reading.

At our core, we remain steadfast in our beliefs that repeated practice, short-term retrieval and small-step goal achievement is key to spelling improvement and this is why our technology-driven games remain in place.

The significant changes can be seen across our scheme of lesson planning, teaching resources and printable handouts.

Please view the handy guide in link above to help you get around Spelling Shed and how the interface works. Spelling Shed is a fun and interactive way where children can learn how to spell through a series of activities and games 

The significant changes can be seen across our scheme of lesson planning, teaching resources and printable handouts.

MyMaths provides hundreds of lessons paired with self-marking homework tasks for practice and to assess understanding of the lesson content. Homework questions are randomly generated to provide limitless practice and instant marking provides immediate feedback for pupils and teachers.

SPaG.com offers new and updated tests for both KS1 and KS2 – based on the latest government samples. Choose a KS1 or KS2 SPaG test if you’re preparing children for SATs. Alternatively, set one of our 80 tests that cover specific grammar objectives for each year group – from Yr 1 through to Yr 6.

If your child is ill and will be absent from school, you need to tell us through