Dear Parents and Carers,
Another very busy autumn term is drawing to a close and most of the children are very excited about the holidays and the various celebrations we are having both in school and at home.
Thank you so much for the support you have given both schools this term. Two particular highlights have been the Winter Fetes, on the last two Fridays and a special thank you must go to the newly formed Parent and Teacher Association who organised these. You will be aware that funding is very tight for schools currently and the several thousand pounds raised at the fete’s will really help with resources such as books and other consumables. Please watch out for the totals raised and our plans to spend it in next terms’ newsletters.
Stay up to date on the latest newsletters and what has been happening at Marish Academy Trust. Click here to read more.
The latest term dates for the Marish Academic year 2024 - 25 are available to view through this link. Click here to read more.
To pay for Marish Primary School clubs, trips and/or your child's daily lunch please visit the ParentPay website and login to the parent version.
Please click here now.
To view the lunch menu for Marish Primary School please click on this link.
The lunch menu follows a 3 week cycle and rotates between them. It resets after one rotation is done.
Please refer to this link for more information on Marish Primary's School's admissions process.Â
If you like to admit your child to our school please refer to the admissions page on what to do.Â